Monday, April 16, 2007

Second Classroom Blog in the United States

The second Classroom blog I observed was Mrs. Cassidy's 1st and 2nd grade class. This blog was also about all the activities the kids were doing in class. It was much more from the teacher's standpoint but also much more interactive. There were many pictures and features on the blog such as a walkie talkie feature. This feature could be used by parents or who ever was looking at the blog if they have a microphone hooked up to their computer. You activate the button and speak and the teacher hears you at her computer if she is logged on and can speak back in forth. The teacher even had a three way conversation when multiple users were connected to the feature. To check out Mrs. Cassidy's classroom blog Click Here.

Classroom Blogs in the United States

The first classroom blog I observed was a six year old class. The teachers allowed the kids to write their own accounts of what they did during class. The teacher also had the students get into groups and do projects which they presented through the blogs. One group did a tech review of this phone. They listed all the features and then rated three aspects of the phone which were aesthetics, ergonomics, and functionality.
To check out this classrooms blog and the activities they did click here.

First 3 Weeks

I really enjoyed getting to see a bit of everyone's personality during the initial blogging process. You get to see a little bit of a window into their lives and what they are all about. It reminds me a good bit of myspace but I have never had a blog of my own.

I think blogs in the K-12 classrooms would be great if that was a information dessimination that the parents and kids were use to or would use efficiently. Some people just want to talk directly to you with a call or even face to face. Everyone has different styles of communication that works better for them. I think using the site to keep parents updated on what is going on in the classrooms and activities in which the kids are participating. I do not think larger announcements such as if the kids need to be somewhere at a certain time or what not. I believe more serious announcements should be communicated with papers sent home and perhaps a phone call.

Overall I do believe blogs are a nice option for students and parents to have to follow up on how things in the school and classrooms are going. This also is a great way to connect the whole school staff with the kids and parents at home instead of having to worry about redtape trying to make contacts everywhere.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bleed It RED!!!!

If you Missed the Jaguars Game Sunday against North Texas you missed out!!! Best game of the season! The intensity level in the Mitchell Center was off the scales!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

In Over my Head?

Wow this semester is definitely like a wave engulfing me quite abruptly! I have 18 hours and 46 additional hours of fieldwork required. I am definitely up to the challenge but have to play catch up. Lol I still have no books and have to wait till my fin. aid. check comes in. Oh Joy, right. Haha, I am just going to take things as they come. If anyone has old books they want to sell from Edf 315, 211 or epy-Human growth and dev. pass the word my way!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I Object!

How nice it would be if we could object to the weather and petition for what the majority of the area would rather have. Yesterday was amazing weather with very pleasant temperatures, even warm enough for an unusual crowd of people at the beaches around the gulf. Today is blistering cold as a northernly blows in with temperatures continuing to plummet throughout the day. How Miserable!!! If only one could befriend weather and perhaps sweet talk, in hopes to maintain springlike pleasantries.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Tuesday Thursday 11 class page

To get to the class blog click here.

Yeay! For EDM Computer Class

Okay a wee bit of sarcasm. I definitely will not lose sleep over this class yet it will definitely be a stepping stone in the advancement and progression of technology thus far or at least a brush up of skills.